It seems that Robert may have lied on some (all?) of his titles. I will leave this post up for now, but there is the link to possible truths. He seems to have admitted to the lies, so we can assume that they are, in fact, lies, and not just people being stupid and jealous.

I must say, I’m disappointed. At the same time, I’m curious why he felt he had to do anything at all. He’s mentioned baking the cake for Diana before, on the show, and that rang pretty false to me at the time (WHY would Di have a non-baker helping at all with her cake? I don’t care how good a chef you are…) but. For whatever reason.

So I, like many other aspiring bloggers, like to keep an update on what sorts of things lead readers to my blog. I’ve been getting tons of hits that indicate questions about Robert Irvine, probably due to my I Love Robert Irvine post.

This is unacceptable! I have taken your questions, re-formed them into an actual English sentence, and scoured the internet for reliable answers.

Does Robert Irvine have children?

Robert Irvine is married to Karen, and they have two daughters.

What Titles does Robert Irvine hold?

He has so many titles, people. So many titles. His status moved from “Celeb Crush” to “Absolute Superhero.” Yep, Robert Irvine is my new superhero, and with titles and accomplishments as follows, can you blame me?

  • He spent 10 years on the Royal Yacht, Britannia, cooking world-class food for world leaders and other VIPs. (This list includes the last four presidents, as well as the various English royalty – some of which we’ve heard him hint at in the show, of course)
  • He has been a culinary consultant and exec chef in multiple countries and capitals – on cruise ships and in resorts and hotels, places as familiar as Atlantic City and places as exotic as Ho Chi Minh City. Woah.
  • He has his own company, The Irvine Group, involved in media production, food shows, live demos, food production, etc. !
  • He whipped together an amazing team of chefs (including Ming Tsai and Guillermo Pernot) to produce the “most amazing Oscar food night” – so named by the L.A. Times.
  • Actual Titles? It’s a long list:
    • Certified Executive Chef in the American Culinary Federation
    • Chef Professional of La Toque Blanche International
    • Recipient of the Chef’s Five Star Diamond Award from the American Academy of Hospitality Sciences, 1998 until 2006.
    • Honored at Carnegie Institute of America, as well as the American Tasting Institute.
    • Culinary Director for the Taste of the LPGA
    • Trustee of the American Academy Hospitality Science’s Five Star Diamond Award, representing all of the Three Star Michelin Chefs worldwide
    • Serves on numerous judging panels and culinary committees throughout the U.S. and Europe.

Ladies, Gents, that is a lot of stuff to do in one lifetime! Holy cow.

Where can I buy Robert Irvine’s knives?

Here (thankyou!)

What does Robert Irvine’s picture look like?

I am so sorry. so sorry. My sympathy could not fit in the Pacific Ocean. You must not get the Food Network, much less seen the greatness that is Dinner: Impossible. Or something. Else you’re looking for not-family-friendly photos, at which point you’re a freak. But here’s a nice G-rated picture for you anyway.

Isn’t he cute?

What restaurants does Robert Irvine own?

He will soon be opening two restaurants, Ooze and Schmooze, in Florida.

Robert Irvine? Iron Chef? OMIGOSH WHEN?

Yes, Robert Irvine will be on Iron Chef, teamed up with Tyler Florence. They will be battling Cat Cora and Paula Deen in Battle of The Desserts! It’ll be on Saturday the 24th of November at 9. I will be reviewing the battle, of course.’

Anyway, I hope you had fun reading more about Robert, and I hope you got some questions answered! I would like to thank all the commenters for asking and answering questions. It’s so awesome that you’ve all done this! You should also check out these 10 questions from Food For Thought.